Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0 is redefining the industrial sector thanks to the adoption of new digital technologies, new materials, and new processes. For policymakers, the concept of Industry 4.0 is at the top of their agendas as it could spur huge productivity gains, redefine the whole industrial production model and also potentially have a major impact on manufacturing employment. The European Commission is implementing ambitious industrial policies to address many policy challenges hindering the diffusion of Industry 4.0 technologies such as the low adoption rate from SMEs and increased competition from outside the European Union.
In this novel industrial paradigm, regions are ideal spaces for policy experimentation and Interreg Europe projects provide an opportunity for interregional policy learning. This policy brief features six policy recommendations using the experience of Interreg Europe projects dealing with Industry 4.0 to offer regions relevant lessons to enrich their own transformative efforts.
Policy brief on Industry 4.0
Policy brief on Industry 4.0