Webinar on demand responsive transport

The Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform held its first webinar under the Low Carbon Economy theme on 12 June. The webinar discussed the topic of demand-responsive transport as a low-carbon mobility solution, and brought together projects looking at this issue. The Policy Leaning Platform’s Thematic Experts moderated the discussion and presented the upcoming policy brief on demand-responsive transport for validation. Presentations were also given by the LAST MILE and REGIO-MOB projects. Feedback from the event was very positive from the participants, and has informed the policy brief.
To access the presentations, please click on the title below:
- Simon Hunkin, Policy Learning Platfrom, Thematic Expert – Low-carbon Economy
- Document
- Aleksandar Dobrijević, Institute of Traffic and Transport – Ljubljana, Gregor Cunder, Ljubljana Public Transport
- Document
00:00 – 00:05:00 Welcome and introduction, Katharina Krell, Policy Learning Platform, Thematic Expert - Low-carbon Economy
00:05:00 – 00:21:45 Policy brief on demand-responsive transport, Simon Hunkin, Policy Learning Platform, Thematic Expert - Low-carbon Economy
00:22:05 – 00:42:35 Demand-reposnsive transport: state-of-the-art, main framework conditions and barriers, Agnes Kurzweil, LAST MILE project, Environment Agency Austria
00:42:40 – 00:55:30 Good practice: demand-responsive transport service for person with disabilities, Gregor Cunder, REGIO-MOB, Ljubljana Public Transport
00:56:00 – 1:09:45 Good practice: TeleBus: on-demand “many to many” public transport, Maciej Maderak
1:10:00 – 1:17:00 Interactive session & Validation of the policy brief and Q&A session