This page contains information on the bodies responsible for Structural Funds programmes and on the project control system in France. You may also speak directly with the Interreg Europe representatives in France.
National Authority
Région Hauts-de-France
Direction Europe
151 avenue du Président Hoover
59555 CEDEX
National point of contact for northern regions
Région Hauts-de-France
Direction Europe
151 avenue du Président Hoover
59555 CEDEX
National point of contact for southern and outermost regions
Direction Coopération Euro-Méditerranéenne
Service Coopération Européenne
Hôtel de Région
27 place Jules Guesde
13481 Marseille
cedex 20
Country projects and news
List of Structural Funds programmes
Download the latest list of managing authorities and intermediate bodies responsible for Structural Funds programmes in each country. Select the FR tab for information about France.
You can also find the list of managing authorities at the European Commission's search page. Select France for the latest information.
Bodies responsible for Structural Funds programmes
The list of managing authorities or intermediate bodies responsible for the Structural Funds (Investment for jobs and growth) programmes in the EU Member States. Last update on 17-05-2024.
Control system
This section provides information on the system set up for control in France for the 2021-2027 programming period.
The costs associated with this control are indicated so that they can be planned for in project budgets.
The control system
France uses a decentralised control system. The partners shall contract an independent, qualified controller based on a shortlist established by the approbation body.
The approbation body
Region Hauts-de-France |
Camille ZAMIARA |
The costs
The costs resulting from the control are borne by the project partners and can be reported as eligible costs in compliance with the relevant EU regulations and programme rules. Costs are determined by the public procurement made by the partner.
These costs should therefore be planned in the project budget.
The cost is 708 euros incl. VAT per 6-month financial claim. The cost for on-the-spot verifications is 1,416 euros incl. VAT. When relevant, assistance in the event of second-level controls or other national or European controls will cost 708 euros incl. VAT
These costs are subject to price revision in accordance with French national legislation.
The total cost will comprise the unit cost multiplied by the number of expenditure claims over the entire duration of the project. Any costs relating to second-level operational and on-the-spot controls in the case of investment should be included.
On-the-spot checks
On-the-spot checks will have to be performed only for projects involving a pilot action that includes equipment/ infrastructure costs.
This on-site verification will take place once the equipment/ infrastructure costs have been declared and implementation is sufficiently advanced.
However, based on her/his professional judgement, the auditor may decide to carry out an on-site audit for a project which does not declare equipment/ infrastructure costs, if s/he considers that this presents added value for her/his audit (e.g. in the event of suspected fraud, problems with the partner's reporting/ understanding of the requirements, doubts about the proper functioning of internal processes, etc.).
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