
Benvinguts a Pagès (BaP) - Welcome to the Farm
Published on 29 May 2020

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The project aroused in 2016 as one of the main events when Catalonia was declared a European Region of Gastronomy. The Catalan Government (Prodeca-Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food, the Ministry of Business and Knowledge and the Catalan Tourism Agency) together with Alícia Foundation co-organized the project with the collaboration of regional tourism boards, county councils, city councils, etc.).
Nowadays, this yearly event, offers open visits to agricultural and livestock activities throughout Catalonia in order to highlight the own, local and seasonal agri-food products.
BaP is presented as a great opportunity to rediscover the origins of the food that we have at the table and in the fridge while getting to know the people who produce this food in the fields of Catalonia. Thus, farmers from all over the community open the doors of their farms to show the herds, orchards, workshops and fields, among others.
BaP offers to live a tourist and gastronomic experience by stepping on the lands of the numerous participating producers. It is the best way to get to know, taste and buy local products directly from their producers.
Nowadays, this yearly event, offers open visits to agricultural and livestock activities throughout Catalonia in order to highlight the own, local and seasonal agri-food products.
BaP is presented as a great opportunity to rediscover the origins of the food that we have at the table and in the fridge while getting to know the people who produce this food in the fields of Catalonia. Thus, farmers from all over the community open the doors of their farms to show the herds, orchards, workshops and fields, among others.
BaP offers to live a tourist and gastronomic experience by stepping on the lands of the numerous participating producers. It is the best way to get to know, taste and buy local products directly from their producers.
Expert opinion
From an SME competitiveness perspective practices such as BaP are a great way to bring more visibility to local farmers´ businesses and products. Further, such a large event can also inspire farming SMEs to develop a tourism component to their business model. For example, local farms could form a network and set up a “culinary route” for visitors.
But there are also other intangible benefits such as raising awareness of food production in general, creating a sense of community and promoting the consumption of healthy local produce.
This event model could easily be replicated in other countries. Something similar is happening in Estonia under the name “Open Farm Day” that is financed from the Estonian Rural Development Plan 2014-2020 and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. See more at:
But there are also other intangible benefits such as raising awareness of food production in general, creating a sense of community and promoting the consumption of healthy local produce.
This event model could easily be replicated in other countries. Something similar is happening in Estonia under the name “Open Farm Day” that is financed from the Estonian Rural Development Plan 2014-2020 and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. See more at:
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
Prodeca has a total budget of around 110.000 Eur per edition which includes personnel costs, production and distribution of promotional materials, communication (social media campaign, videos and graphic design) and additional costs related to collaboration agreements with partners in the territory.
Evidence of success
The participation has been increased each edition. Number of visitors were 15.000 in 2016 (70% bought directly from farms), 18.000 in 2017 (75% bought directly from farms), 25.000 in 2018 (79% bought directly from farms), 40.000 in 2019 (81% bought directly from farms). The satisfaction surveys, shown that proximity to the consumer and transmitting values are maintained as the best valued aspects. Moreover, the number of farms enrolled and producers’ commitment is consolidated.
Potential for learning or transfer
It is a leisure activity that provides fun for children, young people and adults while teaching a primary activity: how the food consumed is produced, grown, raised and fished. It is also an enrichment for the territory as it diversifies tourism and expands it with an audience interested in knowing the territorial and the productive singularities of Catalonia. In that sense, BaP includes the participation of restaurants that offers menus linked to local products and accommodation allowing to extend the experience to counties. The potential for learning or transfer could be:
- Generate tourist experiences in the territory that, offered by the farmers themselves, increase the tourist value of their own farms and the territory as a whole.
- Bring urban citizens closer to a rural world.
- Invigorate restaurants and accommodations in the area that are sensitive to local products.
- Generate tourist experiences in the territory that, offered by the farmers themselves, increase the tourist value of their own farms and the territory as a whole.
- Bring urban citizens closer to a rural world.
- Invigorate restaurants and accommodations in the area that are sensitive to local products.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
PRODECA - Promoting Catalan food

Project Manager