Clean energy from farms
About this good practice
This investment main activity involves the concept of circular economy, in which specific waste from farms is used for a new activity, generating new jobs and new income and also protecting the environment. The advantages of the collection of the biomass consist in cleaning the agricultural fields in such way that can generate profitability through electricity and thermal energy production.
The company invested, in 2011, few million euros into a medium capacity plant which can process 30 tons of biomass every day. The residual mud/sludge that remains after the extraction of energy and the cleaning process developed in this plant is used as organic fertilizer for agricultural fields.
They have 2 ovens which are generating 2542.02 MWh/year, electrical energy distributed in the national grid and 773 Mwah of thermal energy used locally.
Expert opinion
Resources needed
3 millions Euro in present the company operates with 37 employees. The management of the company have applied for support from Large Infrastructure Operational Programme of 5 mil E to extend the activity.
Evidence of success
The main beneficiaries and stakeholders are:
- The consumer of electricity who buys green energy to be used only for his own purposes
- Local communities that will not have polluted soil and water;
- Agricultural producers;
- Land owners that use the fertilizer.
Potential for learning or transfer
Having in mind the EU regulation which stipulates that till 2030 Romania will have 30.7 % of the electricity generated from regenerable sources and by all countries from the EU should be at least 20 % green electricity, all the EU countries should assess the opportunity to apply in their areas.
This kind of use of waste is a first step to valorise it to produce green energy.
Further information
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