Elaboration of the Guide for the implantation of a food quality own-control system in agri-food SMEs
Published on 26 January 2021
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The aim of this guide is to help food operators to establish their own-control system so that they guarantee the quality of the products they elaborate in compliance with the requirements of Catalan Regulation, Law 14/2003, June 13th of agri-food quality, Title III.
It is a widespread fact that, in recent years, professionals in the agri-food sector have acquired a high theoretical and practical knowledge of hygiene practices, possibly motivated by the repercussions of health crises. However, on the contrary, it is still found that there is a lack of information regarding agri-food quality concept and its application. This guide was developed to complement existing guidelines for good hygiene practices, with the aim of contextualizing agri-food quality control and facilitating a practical approach to implement an own-control system for the food operators.
In this document, you will find guidelines for structuring an own-monitoring system that meets the mandatory requirements defined by the legislation, and others that are not mandatory but may be useful to implement.
You will also find explanations and recommendations on the main concepts and activities that should be carried out, interspersed with the fragments of the articles of the Catalan Regulation Law 14/2003 that are related to.
The purpose is to provide tools so that food operators can easily develop their own-control system, or adapt and complete the one they are already executing.
It is a widespread fact that, in recent years, professionals in the agri-food sector have acquired a high theoretical and practical knowledge of hygiene practices, possibly motivated by the repercussions of health crises. However, on the contrary, it is still found that there is a lack of information regarding agri-food quality concept and its application. This guide was developed to complement existing guidelines for good hygiene practices, with the aim of contextualizing agri-food quality control and facilitating a practical approach to implement an own-control system for the food operators.
In this document, you will find guidelines for structuring an own-monitoring system that meets the mandatory requirements defined by the legislation, and others that are not mandatory but may be useful to implement.
You will also find explanations and recommendations on the main concepts and activities that should be carried out, interspersed with the fragments of the articles of the Catalan Regulation Law 14/2003 that are related to.
The purpose is to provide tools so that food operators can easily develop their own-control system, or adapt and complete the one they are already executing.
Expert opinion
The practice provides a simple and effective way to ensure the translation of regulations in the agri-food sector into actionable implementation guidelines for companies in the sector.
The practices builds on the self-commitment of companies and their willingness to implement in-house preventive self-control practices.
This practice belongs to a series of similar practices from Catalonia, aiming at supporting companies with the implementation of different regulatory and quality standards, encompassing also:
- Elaboration of the Guide to implement an own-control system of the Nominal Quantities of Pre-package
- Elaboration of the Guide for quality own control and good handling practices for stone & pome fruit
- Support for the elaboration of a Guide for fraud prevention in the food industry
The practices builds on the self-commitment of companies and their willingness to implement in-house preventive self-control practices.
This practice belongs to a series of similar practices from Catalonia, aiming at supporting companies with the implementation of different regulatory and quality standards, encompassing also:
- Elaboration of the Guide to implement an own-control system of the Nominal Quantities of Pre-package
- Elaboration of the Guide for quality own control and good handling practices for stone & pome fruit
- Support for the elaboration of a Guide for fraud prevention in the food industry
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
Human resources required: team of agri-food inspectors
Evidence of success
Conferences offered to professionals in the agri-food sector for the presentation of the guide and introduction to it:
"Presentation of the Guide for the implementation of a food qualify own-control system for agri-food SMEs”.
- April 26, 2017, Monells (Girona)
- September 27, 2018, Lleida
- July 10, 2018, Constantí (Tarragona).
- May 8, 2019, Barcelona
- May 23, 2019, Constantí (Tarragona).
- October 24, 2019, Lleida.
"Presentation of the Guide for the implementation of a food qualify own-control system for agri-food SMEs”.
- April 26, 2017, Monells (Girona)
- September 27, 2018, Lleida
- July 10, 2018, Constantí (Tarragona).
- May 8, 2019, Barcelona
- May 23, 2019, Constantí (Tarragona).
- October 24, 2019, Lleida.
Potential for learning or transfer
The purpose of this guide is to make understand in a practical way for the agri-food operators, the provisions related to food quality regulated by Catalan Law 14/2003 and more specifically, to address how to establish an own-system of control of food quality through a didactic approach.
With this publication, we believe that it is interesting to note that in order to work in line with quality control and the fight against fraud, a very important way of work is the prevention.
It is therefore important to share the work methodology in line with fraud prevention and laying the foundations to understand the applicable regulations. In this case, it focuses on the regulation of the region, in accordance on both the Spanish state regulation Law 28/2015, which stablishes the bases for food quality, and the European horizontal regulation, which establishes the principles of food legislation, Regulation 178/2002.
With this publication, we believe that it is interesting to note that in order to work in line with quality control and the fight against fraud, a very important way of work is the prevention.
It is therefore important to share the work methodology in line with fraud prevention and laying the foundations to understand the applicable regulations. In this case, it focuses on the regulation of the region, in accordance on both the Spanish state regulation Law 28/2015, which stablishes the bases for food quality, and the European horizontal regulation, which establishes the principles of food legislation, Regulation 178/2002.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Regional Government of Cataluña
Agrifood inspector