Employee + Sustainable (Colaborador + Sustentável)
About this good practice
Ensure that in the scope of professional duties and in relations with the outside world, as well as in their performance as individuals, each employee is concerned about others and their well-being, respects and promotes the natural environment and the socio-cultural authenticity of the territories, contributes to a better planet, believes in a humanitarian and caring society and is always aware of the possibility of partnerships, thus ensuring a "Fairer, more dignified, more inclusive and more sustainable world for all".To this end, employees commit to the following principles: "1) People - I care about others and their well-being; 2) Prosperity - I respect and promote the natural environment and the socio-cultural authenticity of the territories; 3) Planet - I contribute to a better planet; 4) Peace - I believe in a humanitarian and solidary society; 5) Partnerships - I am always aware of the possibility of partnerships."
Focusing on the 17 SDGs of the United Nations, through the involvement of the employees of Turismo de Portugal in a joint commitment to sustainability, it is also intended to contribute to positioning Portugal as a sustainable destination, with a cohesive, innovative, and competitive territory, a country that values people and talent. A destination to visit, invest, live and study. An inclusive, open and creative country, which stands out as a reference in the production of distinctive and above all sustainable goods and services for tourism activity.
Expert opinion
This interesting good practice from the Portuguese tourist board aims at instilling awareness for sustainability and respect towards the environment, natural and human, in its employees through a voluntary commitment scheme. This behaviour-change and citizen-oriented practice is easy to transfer and cheap to implement and can yield in long-term attitude and behaviour change of people, and when critical mass is reached, or organisations and populations. It is a nice initiative that any employer, public or private, could take up in their human resource training curriculum.
Resources needed
No financial resources are required, only internal logistics for implementing the action.
Evidence of success
From a universe of 572 employees, 83 have already voluntarily adhered to the commitment, which corresponds to a 14.5% adhesion percentage. Although this may seem an insignificant number, given the context in which the project was launched, during the pandemic and with most employees teleworking, we consider this number quite satisfactory, even more because we believe that those who made the commitment are in fact committed to it. Initiatives to promote this initiative are being studied.
Potential for learning or transfer
This is an easily replicable, low-cost action, with significant impact on the organization where it is implemented and, by going beyond the professional component and being extensible to personal life, also on society.
Knowing that for a true transformation we need a systemic action, we consider that the implemented action is a simple but very effective way to change the habits and practices of employees and simultaneously involve everyone in the common purpose of contributing to a more sustainable model of society.
Moments of reflection and sharing will be created for monitoring the commitment of membership, which is based on the responsibility and awareness of each individual.
There are also plans to publish the testimonies of the adhering employees on the Institute's own channels.
Further information
Good practice owner
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