GENIUS – An Annual Conference on Gender Equality in Värmland
About this good practice
Research has shown that equal organisations with an inclusive workplace, equal gender distribution and diversity of backgrounds are better equipped for the future. Equal companies have higher profitability, have stronger innovative power, higher attractiveness and are more successful in the long term. An inclusive organisation culture results in higher job satisfaction, lower sick leave and higher trust.
With GENIUS, Region Värmland and Länsstyrelsen Värmland want to put Värmland on the equality map to attract and retain competence in the county. The purpose is to increase competence and awareness of how gender equality affects all people living and working in Värmland. The conference provides increased knowledge and provide tools for organisations and companies to work with gender equality issues.
GENIUS is a collection of power that excites and arouses commitment. The goal is for the participants to be both affected and inspired to act.
There is a GENIUS Award connected to each conference. The GENIUS Prize was established to draw attention to and raise the status of work in the field of gender equality in Värmland. The winner is selected by an independent jury of experts. The prize aims to make visible the gender equality work that is being done and get more organizations to work on equality.
The main stakeholders are:
Officials and elected officials in public sector, businesses, entrepreneurs and trade associations, non-profit sector, associations, and initiatives.
Expert opinion
Resources needed
The budget for 2023 was SEK 800 000 (80.000 Euro), regional and national funding. The conference provides skills development for many, a small investment for a big effect. Each GENIUS has 300 free tickets so all people have opportunity to participate, other participants buy tickets at actual cost.
Evidence of success
GENIUS had its 10th anniversary in 2022, which shows that it is a successful concept.
The goal for GENIUS is to attract at least 500 attendees at every conference, of which 20% should be men.
GENIUS has increased the number of participants over the years and the goal of 500 was reached 2017. With Genius, Värmland is put on the equality map and attract and retain competence in the county.
Evaluation forms shows an average score of 4.2 out of 5. The participants are generally very satisfied.
Potential for learning or transfer
From 2024, the new EU law CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) comes into force. It is a new model for sustainability reporting that also includes social sustainability, where gender equality, equality and the working environment are included. With CSRD and new sustainability legislation, the EU's demands for social sustainability are increasing and Gender equality will be an important issue for all organisations.
GENIUS, Värmland's own gender equality day, is a knowledge-enhancing conference filled with thought-provoking lectures, important conversations and touching performances. The GENIUS concept could easily be transferred to other regions in Europe. In Värmland, the conference program is based on competence, knowledge, experience, availability and budget.
A Gender Equality Conference could provide increased knowledge and tools for regions that want to increase competence and awareness of how gender equality affects all people living and working in the EU.
Further information
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