Minuomavalitsus.ee dashboard of local services
About this good practice
Goal of this project is develop local governments’ services all over Estonia. Idea of the tool is to get an overview of the state of services and development possibilities in each local government so as to direct local development based on this information. It enables to compare local governments service levels which contributes to sharing experiences. It raises public awareness of the organization of local services and increase citizens’ informed involvement in discussing local priorities. To achieve this, interactive web page publishes a systematized overview of the state of local governments’ services. There are 20 different services that are included, with nine service levels. All in all over 300 evaluation criteria and 700 indicators.
Data is collected mainly from three sources – national registries, local governments and satisfaction survey. Information about the situation is presented on local government view, on the map or by comparing local governments.
There are three main stakeholders and beneficiaries, central government - who can get a regional overview of service levels and can modify national policies or measures to support specific regions or topics. Local governments - who can compare themselves with other municipalities and see where they are lacking. And finally, residents - who can compare governments for example if they are planning to move or if they have issues with specific services.
Resources needed
In the period 2020-2023, the project budget was 416,000 euros and in the period 2023-2027, the project budget is 365,583 euros. This does not entail the cost of developing the web page itself. Right now, 2 members are working with this web page.
Evidence of success
The quality of services provided by municipalities has been measured since 2020 and published the results on the website Minuomavalitsus.ee. This has helped to contribute to the more even development of municipalities by helping them to be good examples and inspiration to each other. The data on the portal is updated annually with a yearly retrospective. Tool can be used to make policy decisions, support development and use it as a base bata for financing local governments.
Potential for learning or transfer
This kind of web based interactive tool can be used in all countries or even regional level depending on the needs and structure of the region. It enables to increase public awareness and involvement, and which would ultimately help to ensure evenly development nationwide. Availability of comprehensive information and feedback on strengths and challenges enables to take it into account when planning developments or policies. Knowing the differences between other municipalities, it is possible to find both those from whom to learn and those with whom to share your lessons