National Satellite Information System (NSIS) in Poland

About this good practice
NSIS is a national interoperable system for receiving, storing, processing and sharing satellite data, along with the necessary infrastructure, aimed at providing monitoring services, satellite products, analytical tools and services and services based on satellite data. NSIS provides efficient and continuous provision of data and information tailored to the needs of users, serving primarily (but not exclusively) to support public administration in the execution of tasks, decision-making, better use of its ICT resources and infrastructure, exercise of supervisory and control functions and organization of social and economic life, as well as for security and defense purposes.
Within the NSIS platform there are three basic components, which together create the possibility of horizontal use of satellite data:
- NSIS Portal - is a tool for performing basic spatial analysis on satellite products,
- Service marketplace - a place to integrate user needs with ready-made technical solutions existing on the market,
- Knowledge base - a collection of scientific, technical and application information that provides a compendium of knowledge for users.
NSIS is made available free of charge to all interested users, registration in the system is required.
Stakeholders and beneficiaries of the project include: public administration at all levels, uniformed services, entrepreneurs, institutions of science and higher education, citizens.
Expert opinion
Resources needed
To date, approximately 6.5M PLN (1.5M €) has been spent on the system (pilot version of the NSIS platform + satellite products).
To run NSIS is needed a team of 4 people (average yearly).
Evidence of success
The pilot version of NSIS was launched by the Polish Space Agency and on 27 June,.2023, and already more than 6600 users are registered on it. The development of NSIS is planned for several years to come.
Potential for learning or transfer
NSIS, currently in a pilot version, is a unique interoperable system for receiving, storing, processing and sharing satellite data in Europe. NSIS provides efficient and continuous provision of data and information tailored to the needs of users, serving primarily (but not exclusively) to support public administration in carrying out tasks, making decisions, making better use of its ICT resources and infrastructure, exercising supervisory and control functions and organizing social and economic life, as well as for security and defense purposes. As a potential area for learning/transfer is how to manage the platform, aquire data, expand coverage etc.
Further information
Good practice owner
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