National Reuse Month
About this good practice
"National Reuse Month" was set up in 2016 by the three Irish Regional Waste Authorities, namely Eastern-Midlands Waste Management Region, Southern Waste Region and Connacht Ulster Waste Region. Taking place in October of every year, the aim is to inspire and provide people with skills and tools to reuse more at home, at work and at play. Throughout the country, the public, community groups and businesses are invited to hold and attend community-based workshops, events and information points in a multitude of areas from managing food waste and upcycling everything to fashion and furniture.
In addition to events, there are online resources about reuse available and an upcycling competition is run annually in parallel with Reuse Month.
Reuse is about valuing our stuff, by using and reusing it for as long and as often as possible. This avoids the need to extract raw materials, manufacture and distribute new stuff, and avoids waste thereby cutting down on greenhouse gas emissions.
This campaign is targeted at a generation that grew up in a consumer culture that didn’t consider where things came from or went to after their use. It intends to edcuate and raise awareness on the environmental consequences of using up primary resources and dumping waste.
Resources needed
The campaign is managed alternatively inhouse by the Regional Authorities or externally by partners engaged by the Authorities through a request for Tender (<€25,000). Small amounts are also made available to NGOs, community groups and others to run events or projects that complement the campaign.
Evidence of success
The campaign demonstrates how a nation-wide cooperation between local authorities, communities, businesses, NGOs and social enterprises can work effectively to promote reuse.
Multicultural and intergenerational, it provides the tools and knowledge on reusing “at home, at work and at play” to a large span of the population, positively impacting the entire country.
The campaign has won the hearts of many as participation increases every year and ranges from many different sectors.
Potential for learning or transfer
- Initiative to focus on reuse for an entire month through practical and diverse events that are held throughout the country (accessible) and community based
- Engagement from local authorities across entire country through Regional Authority structure
- Branding
- Toolkits and videos