The 3rd Age University Cluj-Napoca

About this good practice
The project aims to keep the elderly active in society, capitalize on their experience in community involvement projects, helping them to acquire new knowledge and skills.
The project offered informal education programs and created opportunities to update and enrich the knowledge of elderly people in lectures to popularize science, from various fields of interest (digital, psychology, sociology, law, public administration, literature, public health, financial education, theater, etc.)
In some periods of the program, there were organized courses dedicated to obtaining digital skills. During the pandemic, all courses were conducted online, through a digital platform dedicated to the program, which led to the effective use and the improvement of digital skills for the participants.
Also, many courses were dedicated to improving the well-being and quality of life of the participants, from the point of mental health, physical movement, technical skills, gardening, culinary arts, community participation, etc.
The program takes place face-to-face, within the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca (BBU). It grew from a partnership between BBU Foundation, the EduNation Association and Cluj-Napoca City Hall - Social and Medical Assistance Directorate Cluj-Napoca.
The main beneficiaries are seniors from Cluj-Napoca.
The stakeholders involved are The City Hall and the BBU University.
Expert opinion
Resources needed
BBU has provided the space equipped with the equipment (laptop, video projector, etc.) as well as volunteers teachers who support the courses together with the project coordinator and communication.
During the pandemic, in 2021, the project received a grant of 10.000 euro, for books and prints.
Evidence of success
The success of this project is given by the results obtained during the period of implementation of this project.
Data report:
- over 345 senior students (elderly) currently using the facility;
- over 40 teachers/year volunteering in the implementation of the project;
- over 200 unique courses available.
- an increase number of particpants – from 40 people to 363 people.
The elderly are learning to use technology and are more independent in the use of technological and digital devices.
Potential for learning or transfer
The described program applies a mechanism of lifelong learning policies in which the university is continuously engaged. The university affiliation generates various opportunities such as highly qualified teaching personnel and a variety of subject choices.
The program develops a culture of appreciation for the elder people and their experience in community involvement projects. Also, it is valorising, promoting and deepening their well-being trough the power of both community and knowledge. As from BBU feedback, from 2021, the impact of learning activities provided for elder beneficiaries was positive, in terms of increasing social participation and skills.
Elder people need special programs dedicated to empowering them in the acquisition of new skills, especially for the digital ones. The lectures’ topics are chosen at the beginning of the year, on the interest manifested by the participants being based on a survey.
Further information
Good practice owner
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