The Path of CERN Technologies’ Commercialization in Lithuania
About this good practice
Problem addressed:
Places like CERN contribute to the kind of knowledge that could provide the wellspring of ideas that become the technologies of the future. In order to accelerate innovation and maximize the positive impact of CERN knowledge and technologies on society, there should be opportunities created to transfer CERN's technology and know-how. CERN incubator fills this vacuum by connecting CERN experts with the most notable startups in Lithuania.
Also, deep-tech start-ups find it challenging in early stages to attract funding that is needed for further R&D activities and product development, therefore BIC gives the most valuable assets – financial grants and knowledge – to the most promising deep-tech companies in Lithuania.
How objectives are reached:
The primary purpose of CERN BICs is to assist entrepreneurs and small businesses in taking CERN technologies and expertise to the market. The BIC helps deep-tech companies that have the knowledge to use the latest CERN innovations, databases to convert these into successful products.
The center in Lithuania consists of two business incubators in Vilnius and Kaunas, and it is coordinated by the Lithuanian Innovation Center. Every start-up, spin-off, or young company could apply to participate in the BIC program if they find a way to utilize CERN technology or competence, or encounter technical problems that can potentially be solved with the help of CERN’s experts.
Expert opinion
Despite CERN incubators only just starting, it is a highly relevant practice as it addresses a ubiquitous challenge faced by SMEs, especially those working in deep-tech, – lack of resources to develop a product or service – by providing industry specific targeted support to SMEs. Connecting local deep-tech SMEs with CERN know-how, technology and experts can lead to new marketable innovations and help commercialize European research.
Further, such a model for supporting SMEs who provide advanced energy services – in this case nuclear energy – will be needed for the EU to progress towards their climate goals and to develop secure and stable sources of energy; such an example could be applied to other renewable energy sectors like wind, solar, biomass, etc. Lastly, the good practice also addresses a need for SMEs in advanced technical fields who may not have the resources to consult with industry experts who can help them solve technical problems or help them find ways to bring their products or services to market.
We also recommend looking into the European Space Agency Business Incubation Centres (ESA BICs):
Resources needed
40 000 EUR per start-up;
3 people team and growing;
Maintaining a strong and broad network of R&D and business support services.
Evidence of success
• In total 20 deep-tech startups submitted the application to participate in the BIC program
• First call resulted in 3 deep-tech start-ups working with CERN
• The second call was announced in 2021 and received even bigger attention.
Potential for learning or transfer
CERN aims to engage with as many experts in science, technology, and industry as possible in order to create opportunities for the transfer of CERN’s technology and know-how. There are many global challenges that could be solved by applying CERN's know-how, and every innovation ecosystem has deep-tech startups that would be willing to explore cooperation opportunities with CERN. Also, many innovation ecosystems provide inovouchers to their entrepreneurs to facilitate the cooperation between startup and academia, the same funding scheme could be used to support collaboration between young companies and CERN.
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