One billion euros mobilised by our projects

We are very proud to announce that our project partners reached 1 billion EUR worth of funding, mobilised in their countries for financing good practices and other inspiring ideas coming from the projects' exchange of experience.
258 interregional cooperation projects have been working on improving their regional development policies for several years now thanks to Interreg Europe's support and mainly ERDF funding.
Many of the improvements and changes the project partners have brought to their regions from the cooperation projects needed funding from local, regional or national funding sources, some from the Structural Funds programmes.
We have paid around 214 MEUR to our projects for their exchange of experience activities so far. If we look at it as an investment in cooperation and more efficient use of funds in Europe, we can say that 1 euro invested in our projects has mobilised almost 5 euros of funding for new ideas and policy changes.
Our projects reported over 550 policy changes already. Some of them are captured in stories of cooperation in our publication. Others are presented in videos in our web-documentary. You can find the latest list of all policy changes here.