Counteracting the impact of electrification on the grid
In December 2019, the Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform organised a webinar examining the impact of transport electrification on the electricity grid. In the webinar, three practitioners shared their experiences in balancing out charging peaks, including investment in new electricity generation capacity and grid reinforcement at sub-station level, smart charging, and local flexibility markets.
A full write-up and video recording can be found at the event page. During the webinar Q&A, numerous other good practices, projects and resources were discussed, which could be of use for European policy-makers.
- CleanMobilEnergy – This Interreg NWE project has implemented an intelligent, interoperable Energy Management System in four different city locations across north-west Europe, to optimise the interaction of local solar production, electric vehicle charging, local energy demand, and battery storage, to ensure minimum impact on the electricity network and maximum use of local solar energy;
- SEEV4-City – Another Interreg NEW project, with six operational, long-term pilots in five cities across different countries, implementing a smart combination of electric vehicles, renewable energy sources and ICT solutions to increase energy autonomy and ultra-low emission transport and to make existing grids compatible with electric mobility and local energy production;
- – The East Harbour Prosumer Community in Amsterdam monitored the prosumer community in Amsterdam, showing how 3 electric car owners raised the total demand of 23 households by 20%. Data is available at their website;
- SCORE (Smart Cities for Open Data) – An Interreg NSR project, is a collaboration of nine cities, looking to increase the efficiency and quality of public services in cities based on smart and open-date-driven solutions;
- Western Power – WP is the UK’s largest DSO, and provides a number of resources for those looking to learn more about community power, including a number of community energy animations, such as on the growth of electric vehicles, and the role of local flexibility;
- Regen – Regen is a not-for-profit centre for energy expertise, which has produced a number of resources for policy-makers, including a Guide to Local Flexibility Markets, a policy brief on Harnessing the Electric Vehicle Revolution, and a blog on local flexibility auctions;
- EV100 – This initiative, led by the Climate Group, provides many resources, including case studies on fleet electrification and webinars;
- Octopus Energy – Octopus is a UK energy company providing renewable energy to British homes and businesses, and offering dynamic tariffs to encourage individuals to make use of electricity outside of peak hours, including electric vehicles.
More support and information can also be found in the policy brief on e-mobility and the webinar on e-mobility.