South Savo Food Cluster
About this good practice
South Savo Food Cluster was established in 2022 with the encouragement of the regions of South Savo and Eastern and Northern Finland. The cluster is a member of the European Cluster Collaboration Platform. South Savo Food cluster provides services to cluster members and other stakeholders.
- facilitation of collaboration between members
- periodic information dissemination
- promoting visibitily at national level and in EU Partnership Networks
- Future opprtunities
- Support of knowledge transfer
The South Savo food cluster, in cooperation with the actors, produces a regional Food Sector Development Programme (2021-2027) and monitors its implementation.
The cluster creates a systematic operating model that connects companies, research and education organisations, development organisations, cities and municipalities, private and public financiers, and business support services at the national and international levels. The region served by the cluster is rich with food sector SMEs focused on small scale high-quality production. Food is one of the focus areas of the regional development strategy and smart specialization strategy. Enterprises benefit from systematic and coordinated transfer of knowledge. It is easier for the SMEs to identify relevant proposal and knowledge when it is provided by a trusted partner i.e. the cluster. The cluster focuses on innovation-oriented enterprises and is fostering innovation culture in the region.
Expert opinion
Resources needed
South Savo Food Cluster is a permanent organisation.
Estimated budget for cluster coordination in 2024 80 000 € p.a. The project portfolio (ESIF, innovation funding, EU programmes is estimated to be 320 000 € in 2024.
Evidence of success
14 companies in the region and 7 RDI organizations are committed to the cluster as members. The cluster has facilitated food sector SME cooperation, expanded the international horizons and provided support for product development for the SMEs. The cluster has facilitated actions, events and promotions to be organized during Lake Saimaa European Region of gastronomy year 2024. Cluster organizations have been able to initiate a number for new projects with food sector SMEs as beneficiaries.
Potential for learning or transfer
Potential for learning or transfer Food sector cluster development is a policy supported and encouraged by the EU as a part of regional smart specialization strategy. The EU-wide policy framework for the transfer of the good practice exists and it is further supported by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) and financial instruments associated with it.
Further information
Good practice owner
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