TÂRGUL AGRO - Online Marketplace for Agri-Food Products
Published on 25 July 2018
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The platform is a marketplace for agricultural products, website meant to put together supply and demand for agricultural and food products, where both parties register. The system is a B2B and B2C type developed in public cloud and available on the profile market in the SaaS system.
The platform targets farmers, processors, traders, warehouses, public and private organisations and consumers. This virtual trade supports organic producers to better market their products especially in urban areas. It is designed to work in a similar way to social networks, so the manufacturer or merchant makes an account and can upload the photo of the product offered for sale, provide in-depth information, characteristics, color, variety or race, as well as the quantity offered, plus the price requested. By using this online tool, local fresh and processed products gain more visibility. This helps small rural producers to sell their products (mostly traditional, sometimes organic) to urban areas, where access to local products is difficult and home delivery can be ensured by cases. 300 producers have joined so far the platform and keeps rising. Future expansion will include collaboration with organic certifying bodies, so that farmers who obtain organic certification will be easily spotted on the site and validated as such. The platform can also be modified to exclusively address for organic food and farming, by 'binding’ & validating organic certificates to any producer or product.
The platform targets farmers, processors, traders, warehouses, public and private organisations and consumers. This virtual trade supports organic producers to better market their products especially in urban areas. It is designed to work in a similar way to social networks, so the manufacturer or merchant makes an account and can upload the photo of the product offered for sale, provide in-depth information, characteristics, color, variety or race, as well as the quantity offered, plus the price requested. By using this online tool, local fresh and processed products gain more visibility. This helps small rural producers to sell their products (mostly traditional, sometimes organic) to urban areas, where access to local products is difficult and home delivery can be ensured by cases. 300 producers have joined so far the platform and keeps rising. Future expansion will include collaboration with organic certifying bodies, so that farmers who obtain organic certification will be easily spotted on the site and validated as such. The platform can also be modified to exclusively address for organic food and farming, by 'binding’ & validating organic certificates to any producer or product.
Resources needed
TARGUL AGRO is a private initiative initiated and developed by the ClujIT cluster within a project co-funded by ERDF from Competitiveness Operational Programme 2007-2013. Two companies from Cluj IT Cluster have developed the platform and currently ensure its operational functioning and management.
Evidence of success
300 producers and 9 processors have joined so far the platform and keeps rising. The ITC tool helps small rural producers to sell their products (mostly traditional ones, including organic) to urban areas where access to local products is difficult and home delivery can be ensured case by case.
Potential for learning or transfer
High transfer potential: although for now it is a Romanian practice, it can be easily extended for multi-language usage. Its functionality is not strictly localized and it can be implemented in any other region with minor changes only. The platform can be changed to be exclusively address organic food and farming, by „binfding” & validating organic certificates to any producer or product.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Cluj IT Cluster (IT companies SC Optima Group srl and SC Art Soft srl)
Technical expert