This page contains information on the bodies responsible for Structural Funds programmes and on the first level control in Poland. You may also speak directly with the Interreg Europe representatives in Poland.
Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy
ul. Wspólna 2/4
00-926 Warszawa
Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy
ul. Wspólna 2/4
00-926 Warszawa
List of Structural Funds programmes
Download the latest list of managing authorities and intermediate bodies responsible for Structural Funds programmes in each country. Select the PL tab for information about Poland.
You can also find the list of managing authorities at the European Commission's search page. Select Poland for the latest information.
Bodies responsible for Structural Funds programmes
The list of managing authorities or intermediate bodies responsible for the Structural Funds (Investment for jobs and growth) programmes in the EU Member States. Last update on 17-05-2024.
Control system
This section provides information about the control system and national guidance set up in Poland for the 2021-2027 programming period.
The control system
Poland uses a centralised control system. The centralized control system is performed by the Center of European Projects - CEP (with the exception of TA) - a state-budget unit under the supervision of the Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy. More information on the control body and the control procedure can be found at the Centrum Projektów Europejskich (cpe.gov.pl) (in Polish).
The control body
Address | Contact |
Address Center for European Projects |
Contact Dorota Pietrzak |
The costs
Control costs will not be charged to project partners.
On-the-spot checks
Projects for on-the-spot verifications are selected based on risk analysis.
Programme documents in Polish
You can find the following documents translated into Polish at these links:
List of PL controllers
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