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Coaching on the job - training plan on GPP

30 Jun 2021
Clock 10 : 30 - 11 : 30 CEST
Location In person Italy
30.06.2021 https://zoom.us/j/96536060341

By setting up training activities (workshops, coaching, webinars) addressed to representative of
LAGs involved and representatives of public EU funds beneficiaries we would train them on how to
practically include GPP criteria in their purchasing processes by synergy with the LAGs. The purpose
is carried out through training seminars or webinars, useful for potential beneficiaries of funding
measures of LDP in particular for measures of interest for GPP STREAM project. The training program
aims to increase the awareness on GPP within national context and their benefits and will be
addressed to stakeholders of LAGs involved on GPP; it will cover the analysis of Minimum
Environmental Criteria within the policy context of LPD in order to calibrate the training to the
beneficiaries’ typology and to the target of funding sub-measures.
The main topics will be:
- Know what GPP’s pros and cons are;
- Be aware of the existing national and European GPP framework;
- Be aware of GPP criteria and best practices for selected product groups such as indoor and
outdoor lighting, office equipment (PC and printers), vehicles, heating and air conditioning,
- Be aware of the parameters for life cycle analysis and life cycle cost of different products;
- GPP and tender model for public authorities.
At the end of each seminar the participants fill out the online satisfaction questionnaire https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=ZErmZHP8PEuSeK97aNZlRPlekM4X6PVLnxHZ2gY3_JtUM0ZZMkFUSVI4TlFBSU9DRFpNMVlWVkhCSi4u



