Online traffic education
About this good practice
The Cycling Masters give traffic education in schools with the aim of learning what good behavior is on the bike and what the benefits are of cycling. As a result, parents let their children go to school more by bike and the children want to come to school more by bike. This makes the school environment safer and cleaner. The traffic education is physically given in the classroom by the Cycling Masters. The problem was that this was no longer possible due to the pandemic situation. In order to facilitate schools in this, the online traffic education program has been developed, so that the lessons are still given, but at a distance.
The aim of the practice is to be able to give traffic education to schools in a way that appeals to the children without the physical presence of the Cycling Masters. To this end, the Cycling Masters has developed the online program in collaboration with a number of schools. Initially, a pilot was held at 2 schools and later the online program was given at 6 other schools. In order to make it appeal to the children, one of the components is that the class is connected live with the Cycling Masters. During this moment, dilemma’s are discussed and a quiz is done.
The most important stakeholders are the schools and the Cycling Masters. The schools benefit from the fact that traffic education can still continue.
Resources needed
Hiring a central party (approx 150h), making the digital lesson in the form of a video, live stream connection (own you-tube channel eg), execution costs such as prizes for the quiz, usb sticks. At the school a Smart board or live connection via e.g. a beamer and a laptop is required.
Evidence of success
8 schools have done the program. All schools were asked for feedback after the lesson. The children and teachers especially liked it because they were in a bubble at school and so there was little interaction or other fun lessons during the partial lockdowns. Schools indicated that the live session is a lot of fun, especially because children can ask questions. Teachers also liked that they were completely unburdened and that all forms and an instruction were sent in advance.
Potential for learning or transfer
We think the programme is potentially interesting for other regions because it can be adopted almost 1 on 1. The content of the lessons can easily be adapted to the local situation or issues. And the forms can also be easily customized. It could even be that the Fietsmeesters also give the online lesson to partners abroad, after mutual coordination about the content. If a partner wants to develop a similar program itself, it is important that there is a central party that can do this and that is commissioned by, for example, a government agency.
Further information
Online fietseducatie van Sport Utrecht - De Fietsmeesters
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.