This page contains information on the bodies responsible for Structural Funds programmes and on the project control system in Italy. You may also speak directly with the Interreg Europe representatives in Italy.
Regione Calabria
Dipartimento Programmazione Unitaria - Settore Comunicazione, Attività di Supporto Giuridico, Cooperazione Territoriale, Capacità Istituzionale
Localita Germaneto
88100 Catanzaro
List of Structural Funds programmes
Download the latest list of managing authorities and intermediate bodies responsible for Structural Funds programmes in each country. Select the IT tab for information about Italy.
You can also find the list of managing authorities at the European Commission's search page. Select Italy for the latest information.
Bodies responsible for Structural Funds programmes
The list of managing authorities or intermediate bodies responsible for the Structural Funds (Investment for jobs and growth) programmes in the EU Member States. Last update on 17-05-2024.
Control system
This section provides information on the system set up for control in Italy and national guidance for the 2021-2027 programming period.
The system
Italy uses a decentralised control system. The controller can be external and/or internal (as long as it is independent from the unit responsible for implementing the operations and the office in charge for the payments). More information will be made available soon.
The approbation body
Address | Contact |
Address Department for cohesion policies (DPCoe) of the presidency of the Council of Ministers
Felice Iraca, representative for Interreg Europe within the Commissione Mista |
The costs
The costs resulting from the control are borne by the project partners and can be reported as eligible costs in compliance with the relevant EU regulations and programme rules. These costs should therefore be planned in the project budget.
On-the-spot checks
For projects where partners report equipment and/ or infrastructure & works costs related to a pilot action at least one “on-the-spot check” (done on-the-spot, not virtually) should be carried out during the project lifetime.
Based on their professional judgement, the controller can however decide to carry out an on-the-spot check for a project not reporting pilot equipment/infrastructure costs, if they deem that it has an added value for their check (e.g. in case of suspicion of fraud, issues with the partner reporting / understanding of requirements, doubts about the proper functioning of internal processes, etc.)
Updated information will be provided as soon as the topic is further defined at national level. For any precision, Italian partners can contact the approbation body.
National guidance
Nota trasmisione procedure CTE
Manuale Procedura controll i rimborsi
All1d Richiesta per control GEIE
All1c Richiesta per control societa partecipata
All1b Richiesta per control esterno
All1a Richiesta per control interno
National co-financing
National cofinancing for 2014-2020
To obtain co-financing, it is necessary to submit a specific request to the Ministry. Upon approval, the ERDF co-financing is provided progressively, contingent upon the semi-annual reporting process, in line with current regulations.
For the disbursement of the national co-financing share from the Rotation Fund, under the Interreg 2014-2020 Program managed by the former Agency for Territorial Cohesion (now the Department for Cohesion Policies and for the South), requests should be directed to:
Presidency of the Council of Ministers
Department for Cohesion Policies and the South
Office II for European Cohesion Policies
Service IX "Coordination of Certification Authorities and Financial Monitoring"
Requests should be sent to the following certified email address (PEC): [email protected]
Reimbursement of the national co-financing share for the 2014-2020 programming period
National cofinancing for 2021-2027
The procedures for the disbursement of national co-financing for Italian beneficiaries under the Interreg Europe Programme 2021-2027 have been officially approved. Along with these procedures, a manual outlining the processing and payment procedures has also been finalised.
These documents provide clear guidance for beneficiaries to access the allocated national co-financing quotas effectively. You can find them below.
Manuale Procedura controlli rimborsi QNC_21-27.pdf
All3 Format RdR Allegati
All2 Format RdR
All1 Modello Richiesta FdR
All1.3 Format Dichiarazione sostitutiva familiari conviventi
All1.2 Format Autocertificazione soggetti art85
All1.1 Modello Dichiarazione Tracciabilita
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You can also find some information in Italian at the following link.
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